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"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
© Copyright 2025 Elaine Hancock, All Rights Reserved
@sunstonemaria: Thank you!
@Ralf Kesper: Thank you. I will have to think of a good title!
@Nigel: LOL! I will have to come up with a better title!
@Doug: Thank you!
@Jules: Thank you!
@Mariana M.: Hi Mariana, Thanks so much! That means a lot coming from you!
@Florence: Thank you so much!
@Laurette: Thank you very much!
@Curly: Hi Curly, Thanks! I haven't heard from you in a while.
@Eric Cousineau: Thanks Eric!
@Tracy: Hi Tracy, That was the feeling I had also. Sort of lonely. It felt lonely. I was out there all by myself!
@Jason Politte: Thank you Jason!