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Happy Independence Day. It seems like it would be a good time to pause and take time to reflect on our nation.
This cabin is one that was most commonly built between 1790 and 1860.
"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
© Copyright 2025 Elaine Hancock, All Rights Reserved
@Anne: Thank you Anne!
@Martine Girard: Thank you Martine!
@Pascale MD: Thank you Pascale!
@Gérard: Thank you!
@grouser: So I had to do a little research which was interesting. The gaps and openings between the logs were stuffed with anything that they could find including corn cobs, goat hair, manure. This was calling chink and chinking was the act of stuffing the gaps. Then came the daub which was used to cover the chink. Depending on the geographic location, it was a mixture of clay, lime dust, mud or Portland cement.