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Unremarkable Silly Tuesday!
"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
© Copyright 2025 Elaine Hancock, All Rights Reserved
@Marie: This must have been someone's local dump site. There was also couch, a boat and a bathtub.
@Stu: That is true. Somebody must has used this beautiful forest to get rid of their stuff. There was also a bathtub, a boat and a couch.
@Gérard: Ha Ha! That is so true!
@Pascale MD: I agree. There was other things dumped in this beautiful forest. I saw a bathtub, a couch and a boat.
@Devi: You are too funny! There was also a bathtub, couch and a boat out there among the trees.
@Ron: There was a bathtub out there too! Unfortunately no running water.
@B. Thomas: I am glad that you got a laugh out of it! I hope that you are doing okay. This must have been someone's dumping ground. There was also a bathtub, a couch and a boat out there all spread out in different places.