030303 | 252525 | 3E3E3E | 616161 | 828282 | ACACAC | D7D7D7 | F0F0F0 |
"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
© Copyright 2025 Elaine Hancock, All Rights Reserved
@Le Krop: You are definitely right. I did not notice it until you mentioned it but I agree. Thank you Nikole!
@Mhelene: Thank you so much Mhelene!
@Ted: Thank you very much Ted!
@kiwisa: Thank you so much Frances!
@Ana Lúcia: Thank you so much Ana!
@B. Thomas: Thank you so much Barbara!
@Harry: The whole train looked clean. They must have washed it or something!
@Gérard: Thank you so much Gérard!
@Calusarus: Thank you so much!
@Anna Cherer: Thank you very much Anna!
@Ruthiebear: Thank you so much Ruthie! I really appreciate it!
@Gaston: Thank you very much Gaston!
@Carol Black: Thank you Carol!
@Jean-Luc.M: Thank you so much Jean-Luc!
This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.