040404 | 272727 | 434343 | 616161 | 7D7D7D | 9A9A9A | B4B4B4 | FBFBFB |
Serious game in Little Havana, Miami, Florida.
"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
© Copyright 2025 Elaine Hancock, All Rights Reserved
@Giulio: They are quite serious about their domino games!
@Rose: They take their domino games very seriously. This is in a small square in the middle of Little Havana. There were quite a few domino games going on at the same time.
@Anna Cherer: Thank you so much Anna!
@Gérard Flayol: Thank you very much Gérard! I really appreciate it.
@Steven: Thank you so much Steven. I hope that you coming back soon.
@Ruthiebear: Thank you so much Ruthie. I always appreciate your support very much.
@Jean-Luc.M: Thank you so much Jean-Luc!
@Willem: Thank you very much Willem.
@Ron: Thank you so much Ron. I really appreciate it.