426700 | 6B6C66 | AAC600 | ACADA7 | ADAC59 | F6F6F6 | FEFE50 | FFFE92 |
Trying to eat the whole flower bud at once!
The surgery is done thank goodness! It was a little more involved than was planned and instead of a fairly simple endoscopic procedure, it turned into a full incision due to advanced arthritis in the wrist. Saturday it was painful and swollen but each day now it is feeling better. Today I am able to type for a little while. Writing is still difficult. I have the sutures removed next week. I will try and start commenting some. I sat outside each day before the surgery and tried to take some pictures so I have a few new ones to post.
Thank you all so much for commenting on my pictures. I so much appreciated you doing that.
"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
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