090909 | 5D5A55 | 856550 | 86817D | 8BA1AC | B5B2AD | BA9C84 | DDD0C7 |
The cabin was basically out in the middle of nowhere. The roads went from paved to gravel to dirt. The address didn't show up on GPS. Going down some of these roads, it was difficult to see how some people live in these very rural areas. This trailer was abandoned. It had a shack like structure built onto the back of it. There were homes like this that were inhabited.
"There are moments when time stands still. You hope it will wait for you."
Dorothea Lange
© Copyright 2025 Elaine Hancock, All Rights Reserved
@Roger Dekert: It really bothered me to see how people can still be living in this day and age. What was interesting was that this type of housing was then interspersed with beautiful houses. It was all quite an eye opener for me.
@Harry: The two seemed to be connected. The whole area was an eye opener for me.